Then Jesus sat down...

We know this month might have the labels “holiday” or “break” attached to it, as most of you have been out of classes for a few weeks, but we also know it’s hard to switch off right now.

As your university years travel forwards day by day, we know there’s always a “should-be-reading” list, alongside the “really-need-to-hang-out-with-them” list never far away from your thoughts.

The summer term, and all that means for essays, deadlines, presentations and exams, is nearly here even though we’ve just got out of snow... you’re not alone in feeling slightly disoriented, so are all of the plants. And for some of you it’s your final stretch before the big finish, and so lots of goodbyes and a few new beginnings are also in the mix all at once.

In the three years Jesus walked and talked and taught his students, his disciples, along the roads of their home towns, and the final stretch towards Jerusalem, there must have been a lot of information and experiences constantly vying for attention in his mind. Things he needed to finish before leaving earth (even the Son of God had a schedule to keep pressing on towards). People to see, goodbyes to say, secrets about the kingdom of God to try and explain in yet another analogy in the hopes his students would remember something for when they’d be out from his step by step coaching.

If you stroll through the gospels with Jesus, as I’ve recently done with the book of Matthew, you’ll find yourself stopping a lot. Pausing whilst Jesus draws his students aside and sits down to teach them, really teach them, in ways the crowd weren’t privy to. Jesus declares truth to the crowd, but he whispers the secrets of the way of the Kingdom to his followers, his disciples. Even on his journey with a deadline, Jesus sat down.

As you sit at your desk, in the library, on your bike to head to campus, on the train to get back to it after the Easter “break”, we at Fusion are praying you know Jesus, the God who sits down. The God who is familiar with journeys and schedules and deadlines, and yet found it his great joy to pause, to sit with his students, his disciples, us, and reveal what his Father is like and what God’s loving perspective is on our every day experiences.

When you sit down to work, know Jesus sits down with you too, and he has all of the time in the world for all of who you are.

Miriam Swanson

National Team Leader (USA)

Miriam moved from the UK to Florida to pioneer the work of Fusion in the USA (and married an American!) She has been in the movement for over a decade, equipping students in faith, sharing Jesus, training leaders and churches and speaking internationally.

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