Redefining what it means to be a student: Munya Mswaka

Here's another student we want to celebrate for how they're using their time at uni following Jesus. We hope Munya's story and perspective encourages your student journey too...

Where are you a student and what are you studying?

Nottingham Trent University – Masters in Law LPC student

How did you get your passion for mission and evangelism? 

My passion for mission and evangelism stems from my own personal relationship with Jesus and how life changing that has been for me. I want my friends, students around me and people I meet to enjoy that same freedom and comfort in knowing who they are, knowing they are loved by God and also having that same personal relationship. Also, Jesus did it and told us to do it, so I should probably listen.

Can you tell me a story of Jesus making a difference in your life as a student?

I know you asked for one but I have two stories #sorrynotsorry. When I first met my landlord to view the house I live in this year, we started discussing specifics like signing the contract and also the price. We somehow got onto the topic of church and my faith in Jesus, in the end he said he was so happy to meet and have a conversation with a student about God (he was Muslim) and asked a lot of questions about Christianity which I did my best not to screw up. Long story short, he knocked £10 a week off the house price which equates to about £480 of the total price!

Another story... this year has been super stressful for me. I have had 16 exams and a dissertation in total so it’s pretty manic. The good thing is that you naturally draw quite close to your seminar group and students around you and I quite enjoy sharing my faith with them. Anyway, I was surprised when people around me started asking me to pray for them before exams (despite not really having any knowledge of Jesus or Christianity) and also saying how they wanted to know how I stayed so calm and peaceful despite the stress of a masters and that they thought maybe coming to church was the answer. Two have been along since and more are showing interest.

How are you using your summer this year?

This summer ill be enjoying the sun, sneezing (hay-fever) and hopefully traveling a little bit. I’ll be working also and ill have 1 more exam and dissertation to complete so I can’t enjoy myself too much.

If a student is reading this who thinks being a student is limiting and they can't really get on with 'real life' yet, what would you tell them?

Being a student is all part of real life, we're blessed to be in a country and in a position to be able to study and earn a degree which will no doubt benefit us in our future endeavors. So think long term a little and try to enjoy the ride, also for most of us we’re in uni for like 9 hours a week, enjoy your freedom! Plus, uni is a great place to talk about Jesus and I've found people to be a lot more open and receptive to faith.

For more students redefining normal student culture, check out the rest of the blog series, any not start by reading Stephen's interview?

Miriam Swanson

National Team Leader (USA)

Miriam moved from the UK to Florida to pioneer the work of Fusion in the USA (and married an American!) She has been in the movement for over a decade, equipping students in faith, sharing Jesus, training leaders and churches and speaking internationally.

Partner with Miriam