Not worth sharing

I guarantee you have a story to tell that you have probably written-off as not worth sharing.

A little thing that happened, a moment that occurred, that you think only you would find significant. After all, there’s always someone more excited about what God’s doing in their lives than you. Always someone more confident, more passionate, more impressive at sharing their faith than you...right? I bet you’re picturing that student now... and to top it all off, they’re probably younger than you!

My friend Joe has a story I want to shout from the roof-tops, a story of him stepping out in boldness and faith and putting his friendships on the line. Joe didn’t tell me this story until I asked him. I heard about it from my mate Alice who had been asked to join Joe and some of his friends for a meal, in which Alice was asked to give a little five minute message about Jesus. Joe mates knew this was happening, Joe had explained the point of the meal and the presence of his mate from church, and his friends were cool with it. Great discussions about God happened and in Rupert’s words “I couldn’t be happier with how it went”. To me, that is a story worth sharing. To Joe, that’s just being faithful as a friend and as a follower of Jesus who calls us to spread the word about him.

I wonder how many more stories are out there waiting to be shared? It isn’t about boasting in ourselves and how “holy” we are or how much God is using us because we are just so great at sharing our faith... it can’t be about that or it will profit nothing. However telling the stories of God-moments, that time you plucked up the courage to pray for your housemate, that time you committed not to drink on a night out and ended up having amazing chats with your friends on the dance floor... they encourage the rest of us. They give us all permission to see God in the every-day, to realise we all have stories to share for the glory of God. Even the tiniest thing, like you posted a Christian blog on your facebook wall for the first time... moments of bravery and authenticity inspire us to do the same. They encourage me that students are all part of a move of God in the UK which I believe is gaining momentum.

You have stories because God is alive and active today. Know that they are worth sharing. In fact, why not start right now?

Leave your thought, your God-moment, your story, as a comment on this blog and know that moments of Jesus are always worth sharing and will encourage people who read them to join you too. 

Miriam Swanson

National Team Leader (USA)

Miriam moved from the UK to Florida to pioneer the work of Fusion in the USA (and married an American!) She has been in the movement for over a decade, equipping students in faith, sharing Jesus, training leaders and churches and speaking internationally.

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