Number 6 Jesus

Today's guest blog is from legendary second year student Chloe, who is studying in Chichester. Seems Chloe has a number of resolutions to share, and some adjusting in focus she invites us all to join...

New Years Resolutions 2013:

1. Join a gym
2. Eat healthily
3. Stay on top of work
4. Attend all lectures
5. Pray and read the bible every single day
6. Tell my friends about Jesus
7. Don’t spend my student loan all at once!

Sound familiar? A couple of weeks into January and already our new years resolutions are wavering. Already we may have missed our first lecture and are back to having a full fry up with our mate in the café next to the gym! And Jesus? Well he was number 6, we haven’t properly thought about him since Christmas!

We so often set ourselves targets that we never keep. Whether it’s joining the gym and not actually going, or praying once and that being our God slot for the week. This year why not make 2013 a year of intention? If we want to be serious about our relationship with God well then let’s be intentional. Let’s read our bibles, let’s pray, let’s worship and let’s tell our mates about Jesus.

Let’s also be realistic. No one wants to get up at 6am and have a two hour long study on Leviticus before your sit ups, early morning run and breakfast shake consisting of celery and raw eggs. Why not meet with some friends and study the bible together? Set aside ten minutes every day to have some quality chat time with God. Pick the ten minutes that work for you, maybe the walk to a lecture, or instead of that post dinner T.V time?

Let’s be intentional about telling our mates about Jesus. Yes let’s be a witness in our everyday lives; what we say, how we act, what we do. But let’s also chat! Don’t wait to for someone else to ask you a question about your faith, ask them. Invite people to church. Hang out with your church mates and Uni mates together. If we can chat to our mates about music, the night before, the latest comment on Facebook well then lets also chat about Jesus!

This New Year I have decided to intentionally make the most of the opportunities God opens up. Since making that decision I’m amazed how many God opportunities that have already come my way. I’m writing my encounters down as a way to encourage myself to continue and to keep myself to account to step out and tell someone about Jesus. So far I’ve recorded chatting to a lady on the bus about God’s peace, praying for healing for an atheist colleague at work, and inviting my mate to church. I haven’t seen drastic miracles and revival just yet, but God will use our intention for great things and honour our steps of faith.

Lets do this together; let’s make 2013 a year of intention.

Miriam Swanson

National Team Leader (USA)

Miriam moved from the UK to Florida to pioneer the work of Fusion in the USA (and married an American!) She has been in the movement for over a decade, equipping students in faith, sharing Jesus, training leaders and churches and speaking internationally.

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