That time we prayed in a mosque and a miracle happened

Thursday morning, in the middle of the Scottish leg of the #fusionroadtrip my phone buzzed as a dream of a text arrived into the palm of my hand. It was from my mate Dan, a student worker from Destiny Church Edinburgh who I’d hung out with only a couple of days earlier, and this is what he said:

‘Miriam, cool story, on Monday you'd prayed we see more of the supernatural - we had an all-in with most of our students last night and a word of knowledge came that someone had a problem with their ankle. Someone else felt they needed to lay hands on someone to pray for healing. So they prayed for a girl who hadn't been able to put weight on one foot because of her ankle that week, and she was healed! Neither of those who had prayed had seen this happen before. God is on the move. Have a super day”’

When was the last time your student small group experienced a miracle? If you’re anything like me, I actually forget this can happen and in fact, should be expected more. Jesus’ life was characterised by the kingdom of God breaking into the everyday world he walked around in, and with it came healing, deliverance, signs and wonders. I’m pretty sure the early church disciples, meeting and praying in their small group settings, wouldn’t have found it a shock or uncharacteristic of the presence of God, for words of knowledge, prophecy and healing to be present in their community. We have to remember this is possible, right now, in our small groups and with our mates.

The genius twist to this story, as text by Dan, is that when he refers to us praying for more of the supernatural on the Monday, this prayer happened in a Mosque. The local Mosque near Dan’s church has a restaurant attached to it and does the best curry around, so we were eating there with his student leadership team. It was in this Mosque that I asked God for more of his Holy Spirit to break in, for the supernatural to not be missing from the gathering of Jesus-following students. And ours prayers were powerfully answered at the very next opportunity. Our God is so powerful, so personal, so kind.

So here’s my challenge to us all. Pray for more of the supernatural and expect a miracle. Invite God to do what only he can do. Pray for things you can’t answer with your own abilities and striving and remember our small group gatherings are created to be dangerously dynamic, alive communities full of the Holy Spirit bringing breakthrough and unity and faith. 

In the words of Dan,  “God is on the move. Have a super day."

Miriam Swanson

National Team Leader (USA)

Miriam moved from the UK to Florida to pioneer the work of Fusion in the USA (and married an American!) She has been in the movement for over a decade, equipping students in faith, sharing Jesus, training leaders and churches and speaking internationally.

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