On Tuesday 6th March, churches, students and ministries are invited to make space to pray for student mission in Europe
There will be cities across Europe praying including in Oxford, where a few dozen will pray, fast, and worship for 12 hours!
Do you want join in with a few friends on your campus or city? Take an hour out or an evening to worship, pray and stoke the fire of God within.
Let us know on social media if you're praying and what God is saying!
Below are our key prayers for Europe on this day:
- A new wave of missional student small groups
- Student leaders living with boldness and missional imagination
- More Holy Spirit ignition moments among students
For more guidance on what to pray for see below:
Student Ministries
- Unity, love and partnerships to advance the Kingdom among student ministries.
- For blessing and the flourishing of the leaders and their families of IFES, Navigators, Friends International, Fusion, UCCF, Agape and more!
- For mission weeks, projects, conferences, events, training and resources to equip students to live the gospel radically.
- For hundreds of churches in each European nation to take up the mantle of reaching their university in a new way.
- IFES who oversee student movements in each nation to transition with new leaders coming in to key positions.
- A Budapest ministry gathering hundreds of students to worship and pray.
Small Groups
- For a wave of training for students to lead small groups that live out a way of life that is deeply relational, missional and radical.
- For these small groups to experience the power of the Holy Spirit in their meetings, pray fervently and share their lives and the gospel freely.
- For student small groups to love the wider church family where spiritual mothers and fathers mentor and cheer them on.
Ignition moments
- For a new generation of students to experience a deep work of the Spirit bringing healing and igniting faith, hope and love.
- For a fresh love and commitment to Jesus and His Kingdom being birthed.
- That ignition movements would lead to holiness and bold proclamation and demonstration of the gospel in the universities.
Student Leaders
- To be discipled into holy living and passionate relationship with God.
- To love the church, the family of God and be committed to relational Kingdom life.
- To lead with a missional imagination, and creativity in engaging with the student culture.