The Start
When we know that something is about to start we often experience a lot of feelings. Anticipation, excitement, maybe even fear or worry. There is a definite buzz in the air when something begins. A theatre goes deafeningly silent when a play or a movie begins. The crowd at a sports game is held in tension as the players take their positions.
The start of uni is a lot like this too. A feeling of suspense as students all over the country take their place on the starting blocks of the academic year. As a fresher you will be finding your feet and establishing your starting place. This is your opportunity to decide who you want to be for the first time. You chose what you take with you and what you leave behind.
Be Yourself:
I remember going through my facebook and discreetly disposing of photos from my awkward and embarrassing teenage years. I definitely took freshers as an opportunity to redefine myself. It is important however, to be yourself and not let yourself be completely changed in order to fit in. The best way to redefine yourself is according to who God tells us we are. We are so many things in God’s eyes. Chosen, blessed, free, loved and forgiven.
Be Friends:
At university you will meet loads of new people and it is a great opportunity to make close friends and build a community around you. These opportunities come in all sorts of places; sports, societies, study groups and church are just a few. It is ok if you are confident or not confident, if you are anxious about making new friends or excited to put yourself out there. Here are some helpful tips to help make the process easier.
First things first, be friendly. It may sound simple, but it is the best way to make friends. Secondly, make yourself available. Every other fresher is looking to make friends too, so have your door open, stay in communal areas and welcome people. Thirdly, challenge yourself. Try and step out beyond your comfort zone and be the first to approach and start a conversation if you are able.
Be Church:
Define yourself according to who God says we are, find friends and build community. Church is the best place to do all of this. University is, for most of us, the first time you will get to choose a church for yourself and you may be feeling nervous about it. But church is the most welcoming place you will find in your time in university. It is a place where you are part of a community where we get to be served and also have the opportunity to serve others. This is a great opportunity to make friends and to grow in your kingdom building God given skills.
It may or may not be a surprise to you, but churches are praying for you already. They want you to be a part of their community. They are looking forward to not just welcoming you, but investing in you and seeing you grow.
1 Corinthians 12:27 (Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it) tells us that each one of us individually makes up the body of Christ so your gifts are needed in those communities and will definitely grow if you choose to invest in them!