Truth > Lies: Part 2

Students believe so many lies society has told them about their purpose, identity, and future. God's word is full of truth. So let's tackle some of those lies and speak truth into the places. 


Lie: 1 “I’m too busy for church this week.”

Maybe you think you are too busy to spend time with Jesus, to go to small group or to church on a Sunday. It’s easy to believe we don’t have time for things, but the reality is as students you have more time and more freedom in how you spend that time, than you will have almost ever again. Life doesn’t get any less stressful or less busy after college. There are businessmen I know who work more than 90 hours a week and rarely miss church on Sundays. 

Truth 1: “You can always make time for Jesus, no matter your schedule”

It’s not about how busy you are, it is about your priorities. If Jesus is your top priority, then your schedule fits around spending time with Him, going to church and not missing small group. However, more often than not, students put studying and socials ahead of Jesus. We’ll make time to go clubbing or pull-all nighters at the library, but we won’t find the time to sabbath or go to church (Hebrews 10:24-25). Jesus often winds up at the bottom of our endless to-do list when in reality, all else would fall into place if we put Jesus first. Jesus tells Martha that instead of choosing to be with Jesus she has prioritised working. Jesus says “you are worried and upset about many things. But only one thing is necessary” (Luke 10:41). The one thing is Jesus, so put Him first!

Lie 2: “I’m too broke to give or tithe ”

It’s true that when you’re a student, your income will likely be less than when you start work. Somehow we find the money to spend on brunches and fancy clothes, nights out and new shoes, but when it comes to giving at church or to charity, we don’t have enough. Again though, this is a matter of prioritising. We think of giving as a sacrifice not a gift, and more often than not as a sacrifice we are not willing to make. 

Truth 2: “I can be always be generous”

Whether we are generous in our finances, time or gifts, we should have a heart posture of radical generosity. Here’s the reality: if we don’t give sacrificially when we have little, we won’t give sacrificially when we have a lot. For most of us, there will rarely be a time in our lives when we are debt-free—whether it’s student loans or mortgages. If we only give out of abundance, we’ll never give, since we’ll always be in debt. Generous giving must be a matter of discipline and principle, whether we have a little or a lot. Jesus said it was worth more when the widow gave her pennies out of poverty than the rich man giving plenty out of abundance (Mark 12:41–44). If she can give generously, so can you! Choose to prioritise giving first, for God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor 9:7) and truly ‘it is more blessed to give than to receive.’” (Acts 20:35)

Lie 3: It's okay to live a "you do you and I'll do me" lifestyle

The world around us repeatedly tells you to live for yourself and that it's not your place to interfere with someone else's life; this is what I call the "you do you and I'll do me" narrative. The phrase means: "someone should do what they think is best, what they enjoy most, or what suits their personality." Culture tells you it's all about you and how you can "live your best life", promotes self-care and selfies. 

Truth 3: It's not about us, it is all about Jesus

How we live matters and how others live matters too. Those who live in sin and don't know Jesus and repent are missing out on salvation. Those of us who know Christ have to share the good news with those who don't. We have to live a life opposite to a "you do you" attitude, because if "they do them" they will miss out on salvation. This means Christians must live selflessly for the gospel as Jesus did. When Jesus came to earth He gave up heaven to come and suffer for us. When Jesus died on the cross, He gained nothing but lost everything for our sake. There is no greater sign of a selfless life than this, and we are called to follow in His footsteps and daily take up our cross (Matthew 16:24-26). We are called to love our neighbours and our enemies, feed the poor, give generously and serve the Lord our God by serving those in the world as though they were Him. So the truth is we are called to help others walk in step with the spirit, to challenge and encourage others and to lead those around us to salvation because it is ultimately not about us, it is all about Jesus.


Choose to speak God's truth over the lies culture tries to make you believe. You are loved, you are enough and you are called. 

Holly Bisset

Student Mission Developer

Holly's faith was set on fire at university when she joined her local church, and she's devoted to seeing students transformed by the hope and love of Jesus. Holly builds relationships with churches across the North East and helps to equip them.

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