There are lots of different types of questions you can ask and not all questions are the same - some are great ice breaker questions and some will help with your development and change your life. You may have heard that questions are so crucial in learning and creating a space for people to learn; in relating to one another and building deep and healthy relationships; in growing as people and helping other people to grow.
Beth from Cornerstone Swansea shared a story of how a question they asked of one of the students she met in Freshers’ fair in September transformed his life:
In September, Beth and their church had booked an Alpha stand at Freshers’ Fair. They often ask questions that would provoke students to think about their purpose, their hopes, big questions about life. They asked this student, “What’s your purpose?” and he replied that this was the question that he'd been thinking about the day before. That simple question led to a deeper conversation and an opportunity to invite him to Alpha to explore more of his big questions about life in a small group, to reconnect with church and be plugged into the community. He then got baptised a few months later.
This student’s life was transformed because of a simple question that Beth asked in the first week of his time at uni. As we can see, questions can help us learn more about life, relate better to others, and grow as individuals… They’re NOT three different separate things, they come across each other.
How amazing would it be for us to become experts in all these three areas? Imagine the impact it could have on discipleship and mission!
If this is a skill you’d like to grow in, have a look at our resources page. We have three resources that are great tools that equip you to ask great questions in mission and discipleship. Check out our Decks available HERE.