Just Sow exists to sow the seed of money, generously! To put resources into the hands of people who care about sharing the gospel and have an idea of how to do it. Fusion have partnered with Just Sow to provide the opportunity to specifically support the growth of the Kingdom in the student world through the work of local churches. Over the last few years, 20 projects have received a seed worth £1,000 from Just Sow. This is Phil’s student mission story in South East London.
"Hi, I am Phil and I’m the minister at Haddon Hall Baptist church on Tower Bridge Road in Bermondsey, London. A new privately run student hall of residence was recently built for 300 students just 10 minutes walk away from the church. I contacted the company that ran the accommodation and they agreed that I could offer chaplaincy support to the students for one hour a week.
I initially offered free pizza but only a few students came so I offered “Challenge the Chaplain” to anyone who wanted to play me at table tennis with a box of chocolates to all who beat me. That gave me contact with around eight to ten students (I didn’t tell the students that I used to play table tennis for Liverpool when I was a teenager.)
During that time I established a very good relationship with two students who came on a regular basis. They started coming regularly to church and my wife and I invited them to several meals with us. They’ve just returned home to Chile and said they would invite us to their wedding next year!
I think God wants to do a special work amongst 18-30 year olds and he’s looking for people with a passion to reach that generation. I was able to use my skills to open up the possibility of conversations about God and his plans for that generation. Perhaps God is calling you to step out in surprising ways to reach out to that group?"
Why not apply to Just Sow here and make your gospel idea a reality!