5 Tips for Discipling a Non-Christian: Community

Community is a crucial part of being a disciple of Jesus. We’re not made to do this whole thing by ourselves. We’re made to be in community with other Christians. It’s not always easy either! There’s often conflict and learning how to forgive and love one another but there’s also joy and deep friendship that is formed too. 

There’s only really one main way of doing community as a disciple and it’s being part of the Church. At some point in your discipleship journey someone took you to Church and you’ll do the same when you disciple someone else. 

Although, sometimes Church won’t be the first thing your friend feels comfortable doing. We’ve noticed a lot of students have baggage when it comes to church and even the idea can trigger negative opinions and ideas. Sometimes the idea of gathering together to sing songs and hear a talk once a week just sounds weird to some people. That’s what this series is about, although Church is a great thing to invite your friends to, it may not be the first thing they want to engage with as they explore faith. 

So, what do you do? There are loads of other ways you can start to disciple someone. In the next blog I’ll look at how meeting up 1-1 and using other resources can play a really key part in introducing someone to Jesus.

Part 2

Roscoe Crawley

Partnership Team Leader

Roscoe is committed to seeing students' lives transformed by the hope of Jesus. Based in Bristol, he works with local Churches to help them disciple, mentor and equip students for mission.

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