Lois is a student worker in Leicester, this is her reflection from our Wide Awake conference last year...
"I attended Wide Awake with two of my students. It was amazing to be in the room with such passionate and on fire student leaders. For me these gatherings are so important to keep me inspired for student mission and focused on Jesus. The highlight for me being that I took a student who was a fresher but so good at connecting with people, so I wanted her to be in space to connect with others and be inspired for what student mission could look like. She came away from the conference so excited for freshers in the September. During freshers week she met two girls waiting to get into the freshers fair. She started chatting to them and invited them to our BBQ that evening. Since then, one of the girls attended an online Alpha course, became a Christian and got baptised last Sunday. Her testimony is a different story, but I don't think my student would have been so on fired and excited for mission if she didn't attend the conference."