Wide Awake was amazing! We saw a room of fiery students embrace the call to mission and become equipped and fuelled to go out and share their faith with those around them.
What’s even more encouraging is that some of the students who came along to Wide Awake, put mission straight into practice as soon as the conference ended!
Two students who attended Wide Awake share their story of heading straight from Wide Awake out onto the streets of Loughborough…
Student 1
‘After Wide Awake, a group of us spontaneously went out into Loughborough town Center, picked a spot right outside Maccies with guitars and we began singing songs of worship. Then, people started stopping and listening to the worship and were struck by the peace they felt from the lyrics that we were singing!
We then started to approach people and we asked them if they had five minutes to spare and whether they’d heard the gospel of Jesus before. To my surprise a few people never had! I was able to properly explain the gospel to them in just a few minutes.’
Student 2
‘My friend and I went over to an older guy and asked him what made him want to stop and listen to the worship. He said that he was currently going through a season of loss and grief and was struggling to battle that darkness but that he felt a lot of peace had come from listening to us worshipping.
We shared the gospel with him and how we believe that Jesus is the light in our world and that even through things like grief, He can His bring light to that as well. The man seemed to really appreciate the conversation and said was he was really grateful that we came over. We asked to pray for him but he was a bit overwhelmed so I asked for his name and I was able to let them know that I would be praying for him anyway.’
Student 1
‘Overall I just enjoyed the experience of having the opportunity to show my faith publicly and gain courage and now it's encouraged me to pursue mission further in my own city and wherever I am in my day to day.’
Student 2
‘I'd never done anything like it before it's the first time I've done Street ministry. At first, I didn't feel equipped because I was scared I'd be asked theological questions I didn't know the answer to but God gave me the strength and I felt the Holy Spirit spur me on and prompt me to say things and ask questions to people. It was just a really empowering time straight off the back of Wide Awake.
As I have left wide awake I want to take that courage that I had during the street ministry, apply it to my every day and pray for opportunities to witness to people in the streets and have conversations with people about Jesus.’
Student mission not only impacts 99% of students who don’t know Jesus but also leaves a long-lasting effect on the students who step out into mission themselves.
Maybe you are heading to Uni in September?
Or maybe you are a student or student worker looking to increase your confidence in mission!
As Fusion we’d love to get alongside you to help equip and resource you to reach this generation so that every student has the opportunity to find Hope in Jesus and a Home in the local Church.