A few weeks ago, I was at the Uni of Bristol Freshers Fair, hosting a stand with student workers and students from the city, inviting people to try church. We ended up having amazing conversation with students – many of whom had never tried church before but were deeply curious. Some students had never read the Bible before but wanted to read it, and we were able to send them one.
One conversation stands out in particular. A student came up to us and started telling us her story. She said that growing up, she’d gone to church a few times with her family for occasions like Easter and Christmas. She then told us, “This is going to sound strange, but this last year I had a really powerful encounter with Jesus where I felt him calling me, and now I just really want to try church!”
At this point we were stood in front of the banner for our stall which read “will you try church at Uni?” We were able to tell her about the Student Linkup app, and show her how to use it to see the churches in the city. She was so excited and said, “I just want to try every kind of church!”
It was so encouraging to see that God had gone before us, and was already drawing people to himself and to his Church, before we even got there to invite them. We were asking “will you try church at Uni?” and for many, the answer was “Yes!”
Will you join us in praying for the students we met, and that many more will try church for the first time this year?