Opportunity Knocks - Escape & Pray Devotionals - Day 11

Read Luke 10: v22-24

'Then he turned to his disciples and said privately, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. 24 For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.”' Luke 10

Prophets and kings longed to see the day we're living in. 

Student numbers have increased 500% in the last 20 years.

Never has there been such an opportunity for the gospel to shape so many of the future leaders of society in nations.

Internet and social media have created a whole new way of connecting.

Never has there been such an opportunity for the gospel to spread far and fast taking no account of borders or denominations. 

Europe hosts the most non religious people in the world, immune from most traditional forms of gospel presentation and churches. 

Never has there been such an opportunity to be creative in sharing the gospel, forming community and sending people on mission in the universities. 

The church's' vision and passion to reach, disciple and plant church among students has never been greater.

Never has there been such an opportunity to ask the Lord to send workers into the harvest fields of students. 

You are an answer to the prayers of generations that long to see workers raised up across Europe to be bold, take risks and see God's Kingdom come. 

Do you see the day we're living in?


Jesus, show me the opportunities during #EscapeAndPray to do what can only be done in my generation. Amen


Write down all the benefits you have living at this time in history. Thank God and ask Him how they can be used to be more successful on mission.

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