“The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”
(Luke 10:2)
Join the Fusion Team
God is moving through his church and in the student world. It is impossible to generate this kind of movement of the Spirit and we are not called to do that. However, we are called to join in with the movement of the Spirit and for the last 20 years Fusion has sought to make God’s movement our movement. That has meant creating language and vision for what God is doing and wants to do, it has meant developing structures and pathways to serve and facilitate the movement of God, it has meant resourcing and training those who also want to participate in this movement.
This movement is gathering momentum.
We believe the local church is the hope of the student world and are working with over 2,000 churches across Europe to be part of a net that captures students. Students who have realised life with Jesus is a better life and that their lives are caught up in a faith adventure. Students who will carry the love and fire of God into every sphere of society.
Fusion are mobilising and resourcing student mission through students in local church and making passionate disciples of Jesus.
If you feel called to work with Fusion please apply! If you wish to discuss the opportunity prior to applying please use the contact form below.
Ministry Partner Development
At Fusion, we believe God is on a mission to students and He has invited us into that mission. It's a privilege to invite others into that mission too and that's where Ministry Partnership Development (MPD) comes in. We each have a team of generous partners who give financially, pray, and encourage us in our ministry. And we support them too.
We believe that Ministry Partnership Development (MPD) is a gift from God, one that can feel daunting and challenging, but also where we’ve seen incredible provision and miraculous moves of God. We see in the example of Jesus how we can be on mission and have others support us in practical ways to enable it to happen. The gift of MPD is not being alone in our mission to students, and instead having a group of people who support us and cheer us on.
MPD is part of our ministry. Through MPD we are able to invite others into the story of student mission and witness as they invest in God’s kingdom in a real practical way. MPD allows us to partner with what God is already doing and invest in relationships with our partners. Through MPD we also learn the importance of growth and development. We each give time within our roles to MPD, to ensure that we are keeping in step with what God is saying to us, to our partners, and over our ministries.
Jobs and Opportunities
You can view specific Student Ministry jobs and opportunities here.