The Brighton Oratory

A small but dynamic Christian community with a focus on personal holiness and demonstrative witness through various social action projects!

A bit more...

We are a Scriptural community – literally – not just in the content of our worship but in our study of the Bible and its application to our own lives. We have regular catechetical classes and Bible Studies, often with Christians from other traditions and churches too. We believe firmly in the Revelation of God being discoverable and discernable in the written Word as well as in the living Tradition of the Church.

We are a materially poor but spiritually rich faith community that treats every member with respect, honour and charity.

What do we do for students?

A worshipping community like that described in Acts 2; who meet daily, break bread and bear with one another’s burdens in fellowship.
A witnessing community like that described in the New Testament, going out into the world as an extension of our worship, ministering to and serving those less fortunate than ourselves, with mercy, compassion and humility.
A learning community, studying the Scriptures and the Tradition of the Church, bringing “both new and old things” out of the treasure chest of our Christian faith to evangelise the world around us!

When & Where

1-6 Park Crescent Terrace,
East Sussex

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Divine Liturgy (Mass) Sundays & Tuesdays 0830, and daily at 0830; Thursdays 6pm Holy Hour & Benediction. All services, conferences and classes are also currently online due to COVID19 and available to view on YouTube or Facebook.

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