A bit more...

St. Nics is a friendly open evangelical Anglican church at the heart of Durham City. We are a family church with people from all ages and stages of life, and we love students! If you come and visit us we guarantee you a warm welcome.

What do we do for students?

Outside of Sunday Worship, the main focus of the week for students at St Nic's is Student Night (Thursday at 7pm). This is when we meet as a student community to enjoy fellowship, a meal, and a talk + discussion about a passage of scripture. We also have a time of worship afterwards (and then continue fellowship in the pub!).

We also encourage students to join a Spiritual Growth Group, which is a group of 5-6 people who commit to meet weekly for an hour, in order to study the rhythms of grace (Prayer, Study, Evangelism, Hospitality, and Justice) and to pray and support each other in the Christian journey. This also provides a supportive place to explore what it means to be a Christian at University in the modern world.

Additionally, as a student group we have various socials and once a term we have either a day away or a weekend away to focus on building community and learning to grow deeper in faith, together.

When & Where

St. Nicholas Church
The Marketplace

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We meet to worship at three different services on a Sunday - each service has a slightly different feel, but we hope you'll feel at home at any!

9am Classic Anglican service with hymns and worship songs.
11am Lively band led worship with prayer ministry and children's groups.
6.30pm Informal service with contemporary worship with prayer ministry and room for response.

We also meet for Student Night at 7pm on a Thursday every week (inside the church building).

Going to study near St Nicholas Church Durham?

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