St Andrew the Great (StAG)
A bit more...
Most students come to the 11.45AM Service, which runs during Cambridge University term time. Afterwards there's Student Lunch (12.45PM). Home-cooked food, a chance to hang out, and a short talk on a topic relevant to our lives e.g. friendships and dating, mental health, work, or an aspect of Christian doctrine. Everyone's welcome, there's always time for questions and discussion.
Focus is our mid-week student night on Tuesdays (7.00PM). The whole student community gathers together for food, and a talk, then we split into smaller groups to study the Bible, encourage one another, and pray together. Groups are run by recent graduates and older members of the church family.
What do we do for students?
As well as Sundays and Tuesdays, we do small groups, prayer, community, discipleship, The Great Escape (weekend away), Getaways (at the end of first year, and beginning of final year), mission trips, 121 discipleship, Bible training, Home from Home, (church family hospitality), outreach... and more!
When & Where
St Andrew The Great
St Andrews St
Sundays @ 11.45AM
Tuesdays @ 7.00PM