Fusion is a student mission movement. Fusion's growth is fuelled by many kingdom minded individuals and churches being invited to partner and participate in this vision.
You can partner with Fusion in a number of ways:
The opportunity of a lifetime:
The current generation of students are astonishingly open to Jesus. As Fusion, we've just completed a worldview survey with 1395 students in the UK and the results are astounding! 74% of students who aren't Christians say that they would go to church if a friend invited them! In the next academic year, we want to equip every Christian student to invite their mates to church so that they can meet Jesus. Will you give generously today to help us to do this?
Regular Payments:
The easiest way to set up a regular payment is to use the Regular Donation boxes at the top of this page to create a Direct Debit to support Fusion immediately.
Alternatively, you can set up a Standing Order via your bank branch or online banking. Our bank details are as follows:
Account Name: Fusion UK
Account Number: 00047198
Account Sort Code: 20-20-62
IBAN GB43 BUKB 2020 6200 0471 98
Partner with a team member:
If you would like your giving to be allocated to a specific team member please email us. All of the Fusion Team raise their salary through partner support.
One-off payments:
If you prefer to give a one-off payment to Fusion you can do so via CAF, give.net or via BACS transfer.
Our bank details are as follows:
Account Name: Fusion UK
Account Number: 00047198
Account Sort Code: 20-20-62
IBAN GB43 BUKB 2020 6200 0471 98
To send your donation via cheque please post your cheque to us here. Please ensure you complete & return a Gift Aid Declaration.
Other ways to give
Giving services:
We welcome both one-off and regular donations through various safe & secure donation platforms including Stewardship & CAF.
Church Partnership:
Gift Aid:
If you are a UK Taxpayer you can make your gift worth 25% more, at no extra cost to you. Please complete & return a Gift Aid Declaration. You can send it via email or in the post. If you prefer, we can send a paper copy to you, along with a freepost return envelope. Simply let us know your address using the form below.