All Fusion team members raise their salary. They are responding to God's call and need a team around them who support, encourage and pray for them. This is not only good for that team member in confirming their calling to the role, it is also the momentum behind the movement and we believe it is also good for you. Will you be part of their team?

Over the past few years since I came to the UK in 2016, I’ve been on a wild goose chase exploring and pursuing a call to student mission. I became a believer in 2015 in Iran, whilst I was studying German & Linguistics, because someone took the risk and courage to share the Gospel with me and tell me about the hope in Jesus. Due to being in danger in Iran because of my faith, I had to leave the country and I came to the UK. Not long after I arrived in the UK, God spoke to me in a dream about evangelism. I then started going out on the streets in Manchester with a team from my church knocking on the doors of students, sharing the Gospel with them and offering them prayers. After a few times of going out, I sensed a deep heart-break for students when I saw the overwhelming number of unreached and unchurched students lacking hope and seeking truth. That was the moment I sensed a long term call on my life to students and student mission.
Personally, if someone never took the courage to tell me about Jesus, I may have never become the person I am today. It’s the same here... Based on some research, we think that just over 1% of students in the UK are currently actively engaging with church. The question is, how can we take courage to see this number increase? To see that happen, we need every church to play its part in reaching and discipling students. Today, I am so blessed to partner with God on his mission to reach students through my work with Fusion to call and cultivate a culture of student mission in the Church. To see students respond to the gospel and to find a home in the church community only because the local church is brilliant at reaching and discipling them. I am thrilled to invite you to be part of this adventure, too!
Over the past few years of working with churches in Wales, I have come to sense a call to a pilgrimage in Wales to partner with churches and pioneer student mission across Wales. Today, I am a pilgrim based in Cardiff, contending to see yet another awakening on campuses in Wales and beyond.
If you’re considering being part of team Maral and journeying with me through financial giving, prayers and encouragement, simply get in touch with me. I’d love to share stories of how we see God at work amongst students across Wales, the UK, and beyond.