Theology is something many of us find intimidating; it is the job of the professional academic, or advanced minister, we might think. In reality, theology (literally: the study of God) is something everyone engages with at some level, and something anyone who seeks to live a life of faith must engage with.
University is a great time to explore the Christian faith. Engaging Theology provides an opportunity for students to grapple with some of the big questions theologians have been discussing for centuries relating to theology and faith. In engaging with theology, we are able to discover more of God, grow in confidence in our faith, and learn to better articulate this faith to those around us. For those who are new to thinking about faith, or who are exploring the Christian faith for the first time, engaging with theology is a great way of expanding and deepening this exploration.
This Small Group resource has been created by Fusion together with the Logos Institute for Analytic and Exegetical Theology at the University of St. Andrews, with generous funding from the Templeton Religion Trust. Over the course of 7 videos, we discuss important theological concepts and questions with Theologians, Biblical Scholars and Philosophers. Each video is accompanied by a set of notes which provide a guide for how to run the accompanying sessions.
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