All Fusion team members raise their salary. They are responding to God's call and need a team around them who support, encourage and pray for them. This is not only good for that team member in confirming their calling to the role, it is also the momentum behind the movement and we believe it is also good for you. Will you be part of their team?
Welcome to the Team Viki page!
Two months before I started university, I decided to give my life to Jesus. I was completely won over by his unconditional love and was so excited to start university!
My leaders had encouraged me to prioritise finding a church at university, and through student linkup, I found a home away from home! Getting involved in local church enabled me to thrive and not just survive, learning more about who Jesus is and who He made me to be!
Going to university began as a first step onto the career ladder. My money motivated attitude quickly changed after realising that my main purpose as a student wasn't just to get a first class degree. I decided to commit my three years to serving the church and showing the love of Jesus to my friends who didn't know Him.
Coming from a family who didn't know Jesus, I had never considered that being a Christian at uni gave me an incredible opportunity to do mission through dinners of spaghetti bolognaise and giving out donuts on student nights. Despite not knowing the answers to people's questions and questioning my own ability, I was determined to share the Hope I had come to know in Jesus.
My heart was broken for my own generation. I knew hope for the hopeless, freedom for my friends in chains, life for the lifeless. How could I keep that to myself?
In my final year, I laid down my plans. I asked Jesus to lead every area of my life, and let go of the reigns. Very shortly after, I began my journey with Fusion and said yes to being a part of the Student Mission Team!
God has so beautifully crafted this next step for me, preparing my heart and getting me ready. He has captured my heart for my own generation and has given me a story to tell, and I am so thankful!
This year I will be travelling to different universities, equipping & training students and student workers to share Jesus whilst at university. This will involve leading workshops, speaking, writing resources & connecting students into churches!
As I step into my calling, I would love your support. Prayer warriors, rise up. I'd love for you to join my team! God has laid it within my heart to serve on the Student Mission Team full-time, and for this to happen, I need your help. If you want to financially support my role, I'd love to invite you to give.
I am determined to play my role in seeing Jesus all over campus. I see a generation of world changers, an army of peace, and an uprising of students. Could you partner with this vision?