Mission and imagination in France

Caroline Gwilliam at BLESS shares a great story of mission and imagination in France.

We're seeing God move in France. His spirit is causing hearts to break for students that don’t yet know their heavenly Father. We can see God planting seeds in people’s imagination for students and communities across France and Fusion is key in that.

One story of our church members in France with a heart for students in the town of Caen.  Mylene and Steph (Mother and daughter) dreamt of a coffee shop...  'Keys Cafe'

"We want to allow all ages but especially the young people of Caen a space to develop their creativity.  Faced with no backing, the bank manager asked us 'what is your budget?' I told him I had no money but had someone who was really supporting my project, who believed in me and was willing to invest at the right time (God)."

It was the start of an incredible adventure of trust and faith. Today it is a bustling cafe filled with young people, working and enjoying the space and beautiful food.

Just a few hundred metres away is one of the most run down areas of Caen.

Bless’s heart is with Keys cafe as a base, to reach out to those with no where to go, the trafficked girls and new refugees arriving every week. Bless feels called to plant a prayer room in the heart of that area and minister there in the city, bringing God’s love.

This is a big dream and is taking all of our prayers and intentions to the highest level, but we know God wants his people to be loved and know that they are loved by him.

Maybe this story stirs you for France? Maybe as a student or student worker you feel called to be on mission in Europe this summer?

Why not consider joining us for our ten day BLESS boot camp in France?

We will be training young people from the UK France and Holland to join in blessing neighbourhoods, churches and communities. Sending young people out fired up with the knowledge of who they are in God, who know they are loved, valued and needed. 

Every year we watch our new mission goers return home and enthusiastically collide with their churches, youth groups and Cu’s. We're sending them back from mission with a fired up imagination for what could happen in Europe in their time

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