Turn The Page

‘More to life than this?’

It’s the question we all ask at certain moments in our lives, and never more so than when we leave behind a familiar way of life and embark on a new adventure - such as starting college or university. It can be an unsettling time as we leave the comfort of home and start living independently. The questions about our identity and purpose are quick to surface: Who really am I? Will people like me? What is life for? Do I have a purpose beyond finding a career, paying a mortgage and declining slowly into retirement?

How do we find the answer to those questions? If there is ‘more’ to this life, what does it look like and how do we find it? Life can be so busy that we never get the chance to stop, think and reflect on where we are going.

That's where Turn The Page comes in. 

It’s a free App that delivers two sixty-second stories a week designed to help you ask questions about the world we live in and make some suggestions about why we’re here and what life is for.

The stories are written to help you to find where the story of your life fits into the bigger story of history, and while they won’t tell you what to think, they will challenge you to think and question more deeply your assumptions about life.

Paul Karensa, BBC scriptwriter for Miranda, Top Gear and Not Going Out commends Turn The Page calling the stories ‘An excellent lift at the times that you need them!’ International author and speaker JJohn says ‘They are always more than food-for-thought.’

start listening today, and if you like them tell a friend!

Download the app

Simon Allaby

Simon loves to train and equip local Christians to become more confident and effective at making Christ known. He published a resource called Turn The Page which uses sixty-second stories to encourage those who think there ’must be more to life than this’ but don’t know what the ‘more’ looks like nor where to find it. Simon is also Pastor of Bolney Village Chapel in West Sussex.