Over the past year life for lots of people has felt repetitive and pretty mundane, maybe your prayer life feels like that too. We don’t know what life will look like in a few months or years, but one thing we do know that we will always be able to pray. God’s given us prayer as a gift, it doesn't have to feel boring or repetitive. We want you to have a prayer life that feels exciting and life-giving even if the rest of your life feels a bit like groundhog day.
So Fusion and 24-7 Prayer have got together and created a resource that will bring a shot of creativity to your prayer life: the P.R.A.Y Deck!
Each suit will give you thirteen creative ideas to try as you pray through the day. You’ll go on a journey through the suits of pausing, rejoicing, asking, and yielding.
Here is a little taster from each suit:
Pause: Listen to a piece of music that helps you to focus on God.
Rejoice: Write a prayer of thanks and keep it with you, looking at it throughout your day.
Ask: Choose one person and pray for them every time you brush your teeth this week.
Yield: Hold your palms out. Imagine your worries as weights in your hands. Hand them to God.
Even if we can’t gather, we can pray. This is the perfect time to invest in your prayer life. So what are you waiting for? Pre-order one of the decks for £5 here