With nearly 3 million Uni students in the UK, student mission is a huge field, yet we need more people who feel called to work in it. That's why Fusion seeks to raise up, train and strengthen all those in church-based Student Ministry, and theological training can be a huge part of this. However, the idea of studying academic theology may feel a little daunting. But theology is not just an intellectual pursuit, it is both personal and vocational. So if you are working with students and are passionate about student mission, why should you study theology?
Help Students Exploring Faith
Barna Group research shows 61% of UK young adults think spiritual forces exist. A third of them watched a religious service online during lockdown. Students are clearly searching for hope and purpose - they’re hungry. Learning theology, gaining that deeper understanding of the Bible, doctrine and historical context, can help us respond to their questions, make sense of the culture they live in, and invite them into a relationship with Jesus.
Support Students’ Discipleship
Student Workers do a great job of supporting students with all manner of things. But if we deepen our theology we can help offer them something even more than what the world does in terms of their identity, wellbeing and direction. Jesus said in Matthew 4:4 ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ Theological study means we can lead students deeper into God's Word, catalysing their spiritual formation.
Enrich Your Faith
Theological training can also be hugely life-giving in our walk with God as we understand His character and Word more. It is alive and active! We lead out of who we are, and for those of us who work with students, if we are doing so from a place that’s thriving spiritually, then that’s going to be reflected by the fruit our ministry produces.
Pursue Your Calling
It can allow us to grow in our calling to students as we hear God more clearly and exercise our gifts more confidently. We can gain greater clarity over how God is working in and through us in the context of student ministry long term, allowing Student Workers to grow as professionals and practitioners in this field!
Root Student Ministry In Jesus
In helping lead a student ministry I’ve realised I can go through the motions and run a ‘successful’ programme, but that I can at times lose sight of why it exists. We are not looking to facilitate a lifestyle or brand students can live by, but a transformative relationship with the Living God. Rooting our practice in good theology helps ensure our ministry is because of Him and for Him.
What could this look like for you? Fusion and WTC Theology have partnered together to deliver a fully University validated, part-time Graduate Diploma in Kingdom Theology and Student Ministry. This Level 6 qualification is designed to fit alongside life and work. Combining WTC's excellence in academic, spirit-filled theological teaching with Fusion's experience in practical student ministry training, this ground-breaking course is an exciting opportunity for anyone pursuing a calling to student ministry.
Louise, a Student Worker in Winchester, recently completed the course:
"Whilst I felt slightly apprehensive about the two years of study with essays to write, I was excited to begin a new season of life where I've found a great place to learn and grow in my faith personally, as well as to develop my ministry. It’s a blessing to be part of this community to dream big, seek God together and encourage one another as we join in the mission of Jesus in our different contexts. If you’re considering joining the Student Ministry GradDip, I would 100% say - go for it!"
Whether you are starting out in student ministry, or have been working in it for years, you are invited to apply. This course can be a significant part of your journey as you deepen your theological foundation and that of your ministry, getting equipped to pioneer student mission in your context.
Applications are open. For more information get in contact at smpd@wtctheology.org.uk
Photo by Rachel Strong on Unsplash.