Generations together - Students and Octogenarians

"One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts." - Psalm 145:4

We are a nation in the grip of a slow awakening and those who have lived their lives and stayed faithful have much to teach and impart to those just starting out. This summer two eighty somethings will be making their way back to the UK to share their lives and impart what God has done in them and through them at the Wildfires festival.

My sense is they aren’t enduring long haul flights just to speak on a platform, life is far too short for that and time is running out. They are coming because they have something to impart to the next generation, something they are compelled to give away that we desperately need. Mantles that need to be passed on and multiplied out. So who are they?

The first is Jackie Pullinger now in her early eighties. At age 22 she went by boat to Hong Kong and arrived with just $10 in her hand. This was no gap year. She stayed, has invested her life there and she is still sharing the good news of Jesus and ministering hope and freedom.

The second is RT Kendall who will be 89 years old when he visits. RT is a preacher, theologian and has written over fifty books. He is passionate about the word and spirit coming together and is convinced that the generation alive today is about to witness the greatest awakening the world has ever seen. 

Jackie and RT are not planning their retirement. They carry far too much fire and conviction for what God is doing and how his church must be ready. For many students this is probably the only opportunity they will have in their life time to be in the same room as them. And I want to urge you to sit at their feet, catch some of the sparks and get ready for a wild faith adventure to be ignited.

The student ticket price is incredible value and you can get a discount on that if you also come to Wide Awake at the start of Summer.

Wildfires Festival 2024

Rich Wilson

Fusion Movement Leader

Rich loves students and God’s church and has championed the important role of local churches in student mission for over 25 years. He wants to invite a generation to A Call Less Ordinary.

Partner with Rich