Students want to participate not consume church

3. Students want to participate not consume church

Previous generations assumed that they would turn up to church and it would be run by professionals (staff members) and done to a high quality. They would consume that church service or meeting and then leave again having been positively affected by it. This is no longer the case. 

Students today want to participate in the creation of church. They want to build it with you. To be it with you. They are not put off by messiness; they are energised by authenticity. Students do not want to be placated by church, to be pacified by it. They want to be shaken, shaped, surprised and stretched by it. They want to feel the rawness of it. To see the power of what it means to stand shoulder to shoulder as Christ’s body. 

Find as many ways as possible to involve students in your gatherings. This could be in letting them host or co-host meetings, having mini-preaches or gospel presentations by students, getting them into the band or having a student-specific meeting as well as the Sunday service. It could be student socials, a carol service or a bonfire night. Give out ice creams or hot chocolate. Each context is different so be creative. What could you do to bring students to the centre? It is also crucial to have student-specific small groups if you want your students to be missional. They are much more likely to invite their mates to something that is student-led. What’s more, our research shows that non-Christians are much more likely to accept the invite if their friends are involved in running it. 

4. Keep your church services consistent

Read and download the full report here.

Luke Smith

National Team Leader (England & Wales)

Luke has worked with students in church for 20 years. He loves helping churches figure out how to reach students. He leads the Fusion team to keep them sharp and focused as they serve the local church.

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