Flavour - by Hannah Smith

Did you know that Taste + Aroma = Flavour? Taste happens in your mouth; we taste salt, sweet, sour and bitter.  But aroma happens in your nose.  If you eat some chocolate while holding your nose, you will just taste sweet and maybe a bit of salt. Then let go of your nose and you will get the real flavour of chocolate. 

You need to use both senses to get the full flavour of what you are eating. 

It's similar in our relationships with our friends who don't know Jesus. Well, we don't often smell our friends, but sometimes, we only use our ears.  We listen to our friends and sympathise with them, but we are reluctant to tell them what we believe. Sometimes, we only use our mouths, we answer all their questions and tell them everything we know, but we don't actually listen to them and understand where they are coming from. 

But for them to get the flavour of Jesus, we need to use both our senses. We need to listen to them and listen to God, and we need to talk to them about what we believe in normal language. 

Which of your senses are you better at using?  Which of your senses are you forgetting to use?  Will you try to listen more?  Will you be bolder in speaking about your faith. I don't know what your answer is to these questions, but I do know that the next time you eat chocolate you will hold your nose! 

Luke Smith

National Team Leader (England & Wales)

Luke has worked with students in church for 20 years. He loves helping churches figure out how to reach students. He leads the Fusion team to keep them sharp and focused as they serve the local church.

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