
Obituaries usually pass me by without a flicker. But I stopped when I saw that John Barry had died. He was the composer of the well-known James Bond theme tune, among lots of other film themes. 

Why had his death grabbed me more than all the others? It was not because he wrote great film scores. Not because he was a legend. Not because he had achieved anything I would like to achieve. Simply that he was born in the same village as me, in York. 

 As people throughout the media clambered to pay their respects to the composer, I wondered what people would say about me when my time is done. John Barry wrote a tune that every kid has sung at some point. I hope that people say that I lived, composed and created with others to orchestrate a movement of students who will make a cacophony for their God. 

In fact I would be happy if my obituary simply read, “Luke Smith. He sang a tune to his maker.” 

What will your obituary read? We have no idea when it will be written, so lets start living lives that are worth writing about.

Luke Smith

National Team Leader (England & Wales)

Luke has worked with students in church for 20 years. He loves helping churches figure out how to reach students. He leads the Fusion team to keep them sharp and focused as they serve the local church.

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