How do Christian students spend their time? Getting the stats…

Torn between spending time with housemates or course mates or church mates? Do you prioritise your sports team, or small group, or the library? As a Christian student, the demands on your time are potentially even more varied and pressurised than your average UK student. 

But we don’t just want to hypothesise about this. We want the cold hard stats that can back up how we equip local churches to support you in your student years, help you navigate how you spend your time, where you chose to invest your lives and live out the mission of God. 

Complete this two minute survey and be part of the ground-breaking results.

We've ended up getting over 1000 students to fill this in already. It might just be because you get a chance to win Amazon vouchers if you do it, it probably has a lot to do with exam procrastination, but either way this survey will end up being a proper decent bit of authoritative data for the local churches of the UK.

Add your voice, share it with your Christian mates and stay tuned for the illumining results. 

Keep up with The Road Trip on twitter: @loveyouruni #fusionroadtrip Instagram

And me: @miriamswaff

Check out, discuss and share more student mission stories here: Miriam's blogs

Miriam Swanson

National Team Leader (USA)

Miriam moved from the UK to Florida to pioneer the work of Fusion in the USA (and married an American!) She has been in the movement for over a decade, equipping students in faith, sharing Jesus, training leaders and churches and speaking internationally.

Partner with Miriam