Hopefully the last 11 days of reflections have prepared you for the unplanned and enabled you to improvise as the Spirit leads.
Luke 10 is your textbook to study and inspire.
It calls you to trust God as a team and focus on the mission at hand.
The mission of #EscapeAndPray is to pray and connect with the church.
You're invited to be part of God's great net being formed over Europe where millions of Europe's students are being caught by God's incomparable love.
The challenges keep you focused.
The calling cards are a tool to connect.
Remember you’re a team, God's with you.
Pray, be bold, trust God and don't give up.
Finally, and very importantly…. enjoy, it's an adventure!
Get out the prayer you wrote on Day 1, pray it and take it with you wherever you’re going! This is your faith declaration of what’s to come in Europe.
Get your passport ready!