Seedtime and Harvest. Escape and Pray News - day 6

People of peace are everywhere the teams go across Europe. On Day 6 teams landed in…

  • Alicante, Spain
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • Bratislava, Slovenia
  • Dublin, Ireland
  • Limoges, France
  • Prague, Czech Republic

…anticipating good things from God.

The #EscapeAndPray teams continued in their mission to pray all over Europe. The prayers are seeds offered in anticipation of growing into a harvest of students being drawn into the Father's love. 

Teams in Czech Republic, France & Lithuania prayed in harvest fields, campuses and from high places in the city. Prayer is making a way.

Teams continued to be richly provided on their mission with a team finding their accommodation in the tourist guide. The Czech team started the day in prayer & prophesy for their hosts. 

Team Croatia worshipped on the organ & offered their seeds of faith for a move of God on campus.

There were gatherings with charismatic Catholics in different nations as well connections being made with students, Pastors and visionaries.  A particularly great day 1 for Team Amsterdam who tweet:

The #EscapeAndPray adventure continues to take teams to new places across Europe sharing God's love, praying for students and inspiring the church to make disciples of the universities. Momentum is growing, seeds are being planted, a harvest is waiting. The workers are being called by heaven. 

Join us in praying for

  • The five teams preparing to depart tomorrow
  • More workers for the harvest

Yesterday's News