The Fusion Certificate in Student Ministry is a two year training programme covering core Student Ministry topics for those looking to intentionally develop their student ministry and personal professional practice. It combines taught content with small group opportunities to share from your context and explore how these principles impact your ministry. Presentations, peer feedback and support from Fusion team in developing your student ministry also form key components of this two year programme. There is space for prayer and ministry throughout as we seek God and support one another on the journey.


Certificate Components:

Fusion Training Days - 1 per term 

Fusion Certificate Webinars - 1 per term

Student Ministry Huddles - 1 per term

Webinars give an opportunity for focussed teaching, Q&As and discussions around key student ministry topics. These include opportunities to share stories from your context, hear from other student workers and learn from key practitioners.

Huddles are small groups of student workers who ‘meet’ through the online meeting platform Zoom once a term. Each huddle will involve participant presentations, feedback and insight sharing, discussions of student ministry in context and opportunities to support and pray for one another. Candidates are part of the same huddle throughout their time on the Certificate.



£50 per candidate per module (6 x £50 over 2 years)

All 3 component parts of all 6 modules must be attended/completed in order to qualify for the Fusion Certificate in Student Ministry.  

Students can join onto the Fusion Certificate each summer.

Apply here