Mission Styles hits Loughborough campus!

"Every Thursday we go out onto campus on a mission- we’ve taken inspiration from Mission Styles and encouraged our students to go and practice their unique style. We keep in our minds that, 'Our prayer is to see a harvest, Our mission is to plant the seeds' This has become our tag line for Campus Mission.

We’ve been doing a wide range of missional activities, fitting with the different mission styles.

A personal favourite was a ‘convince me’ student going into the SU media offices and asking their opinion on whether “Jesus was a scientist”, he was in there discussing that statement for over an hour. A couple of ‘talk with me’ students joined those on their own in a coffee shop and started chatting about having a faith and church. We’ve had ‘show me’ students washing kitchens in uni flats and blessing students with chocolate and coffee. Some more ‘let me experience’ style people even offered healing to a load of people on crutches and presented the gospel to Chinese students who’ve never even heard of Jesus. 

Everything we do plants a seed

Every prayer, every conversation, every act of kindness we bring to our campus, plants a seed. Loughborough campus is jam packed full of seeds. Students are being equipped to go on mission not just as an event but as part of their life. Just imagine for a minute what our universities would look like if the whole church felt confident in their mission style and living it out every single day. The opportunities for Jesus to enter people’s lives would be staggering!

We dream and pray for salvation to sweep through our universities, transforming the quidditch team, the surf society, the Chemistry department. Sometimes, our excitement and expectation can be blunted by the daunting question of, 'how are we gonna bring that many people to Christ?' This is the beauty of Jesus, he brings the salvation not us. It’s not about us, it’s all about Him."

Luc Sadler is student-worker at Open Heaven Church, Loughborough. He is passionate about seeing students come to know Jesus. He also loves Wales and likes to dabble in a bit of wild swimming.

Discover your mission style

Jo Davis

National Team Leader (Spain)

Jo is passionate about seeing the church thrive and be a place where people can meet Jesus. She works with churches across the West & Wales to equip them to reach and disciple students.

Partner with Jo