"Their descendants will be known among the nations and their offspring among the peoples..." (Isaiah 61:9)
We are caught up in a story; a big God-dream.
It’s a story that began with a simple man, one to whom God made a big promise. He said, “Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him.” [Gen 18:18]
This promise was about the nation of Israel, who were established through Abraham’s line of descendants, with whom God formed a covenant; that they would be his people and he would be their God. The backdrop for God’s relationship with Israel was always this promise - they would become great and powerful and through them, all nations on earth would be blessed.
It’s a big God-dream; one that all hinges on a flow of blessing. It’s as if God invites Israel to live with their arms wide open, open to receive God’s unchanging promise of blessing, and open to extend his blessing to all nations.
Cool, right? But how exactly are we caught up in this story?
Well, much of Isaiah 61 also points forwards to a time when these words would ultimately be embodied and fulfilled in Jesus. Jesus, in his death and resurrection literally opened up ‘the people of God’ to other nations. In line with God’s desire from the beginning, he flung his arms wide open and invited us all into this special relationship with him.
And the flow of blessing continues...
We are now his people, we have received his blessing, and we have the same mandate as the Israelites back in the day. ‘For this is what the Lord has commanded us: “‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’” [Acts 13:47]
It’s a big God-dream; one that hinges on a flow of blessing, from you and from me to the ends of the earth.
What does it look like for you to live out this blessing today?
Start with opening your arms wide and remembering that you are blessed; God wants to bless you.
Keep them open and turn your attention outwards; speak blessing over those around you, the people, places or nations that God has placed on your heart. Ask God how he might want his blessing to flow through you to others today.
We invite you to join us as we journey slowly and prayerfully through Isaiah 61 - line by line over forty days.