“This is how they get you, I know how this works, they ply you with beer and then chuck Jesus at you”
Walking up the hill to New Community Church Hannah, a third year theatre design student, was pretty skeptical about going to Beer and Carols. She’d grown up in Church and decided it wasn’t for her, she knew how this type of event ‘worked’. But her friends were going so she tagged along, warning them on the way up:
“This is how they get you, I know how this works, they ply you with beer and then chuck Jesus at you”
But what she wasn’t expecting was to be completely hit by the presence of God. After the service I was chatting to a group of students smoking outside, Hannah came up to me and asked to chat. She said through tears:
'He’s real, isn’t He’
We prayed and cried. She gave her life to Jesus.
Over the past few months I’ve had the absolute joy of watching what the Holy Spirit is doing in Hannah’s life, how Jesus is revealing Himself to her more and more. She’s absolutely smashing her way through the Bible, armed with questions. She’s a gift to me and to our Church. I don't have all the answers for Hannah but I know a God who does.
We didn’t ‘get’ her. She met Jesus. We’re not like dodgy car salesman trying to hide the awkward bits of the gospel, watering it down, desperate to get bums on our seats. We’re carriers of the living presence of God, it’s attractive, it’s alive, it’s unavoidable. Not everyone will accept it, it’s not our job to determine the yes or no. We just get to give students the opportunity to hear the gospel and let God do what He does.
Do you have a student mission story? Email it to hello@fusionmovement.org