How annoying is it when flies buzz around your head?!
I was just sat in the garden trying to enjoy the beautiful view with a cup of coffee, a pleasant breeze, and the sweet scent of flowers in the air. Then suddenly annoying flies started buzzing around my head and killing the mood. No matter how much I tried to ignore them, or swat at them, they kept coming back. It’s like the more you push them away, the more they buzz around you and annoy you. Like they know how annoying they are!!
The flies were annoying. So annoying. But I realised they were unveiling some deeper frustration in me. I was frustrated about lots of things. It's not ok that my friends and family are suffering. It’s not ok to see your future and your plans being on hold and being delayed. It’s not ok that the universities are going online. It’s not ok that students are not graduating in a way they always dreamed of. It’s not ok that freshers won’t be getting the normal fun of their first few weeks of uni. It’s not ok at all!
It’s been breaking my heart to read the news and see students losing their dreams and hopes of university experience - what they always imagined compared to what they're ending up with.
Yeah, it is true that we're in a global pandemic but that doesn’t change the fact that things aren't ok and that emotionally it’s not easy.
And yet, Jesus has been reminding that “I know that it’s not ok. I’m frustrated too. I know all the pain and disappointment you’re carrying.” God keeps reminding me that he knows me, because he made me and there’s no reason pretending I’m ok when I’m not or hiding my emotions from him.
Jesus says in Matthew 11,
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”*
So, are you feeling frustrated? Are you feeling weary or burdened like me?
Let’s take our feelings and frustrations to Jesus, and let him carry them. What do you need to give him today?