Bible for Life is designed to help everyone discover treasures of scripture for ourselves, to help us put Jesus’ teaching into practice in this day and age, and to live wholeheartedly in the Spirit in His kingdom.
Spiritual rhythms are a necessary part of discipleship and building the foundations of our relationship with Jesus. Fusion have been publishing blogs that have been challenging us to use different techniques for building spiritual rhythms. Believers are saved by faith in Jesus, and then we participate and engage in the life of the Kingdom by living in the Spirit and practicing ‘holy habits’ that cultivate the lifestyle of the Kingdom within us.
Holy habits are patterns of living and lifestyle choices that a disciple of Jesus voluntarily chooses to do in order to plunge into the dynamic reality of the life of the Spirit in the Kingdom.
Dallas Willard highlights that there are essentially two types of holy habit:
1) Those which help us with lifestyle patterns of abstaining from the world; and
2) Those which help us with lifestyle patterns of engaging with the Kingdom.
The website is designed in a meal format with a toolbox, a taster course, a main, a takeaway and a waiters brief. Bible for life has also recently revamped the instagram page to help us engage with a specific book of the Bible every month. During the month of June, Bible for Life has been posting insights into the Book of Matthew, now the instagram page is discovering new insights and truths about the book of Genesis. This can be used in conjunction with the website or even as a standalone tool to discover truths about the Bible that are not necessarily evident to the normal reader.
Reading the Bible is a pattern of engaging with the Kingdom.
Bible for Life can be used to explore the treasures of the Bible in many ways. It is an essential practice for spiritual formation, the process of personal transformation by which we aim to become more christlike. It can also be used as a tool for making disciples. As followers of Jesus, our calling is to ‘make disciples of all nations’. The material is designed to help us understand what Scripture means and how to live and obey what it says.
If you are somebody who wants to know more about the Bible;
if you are someone who wants to live with integrity as a person of peace who lives as an agent of the Kingdom;
if you are someone who wants to help people you love and the world around you get to know Jesus, as students and student workers, Bible for Life is an invaluable resource for us to do this and more.