The one with all things new!

“See, I am doing a new thing! 

Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness 

and streams in the wasteland.”

Isaiah 43:19

This verse cannot be more accurate and relevant to us and the season we are currently in. About a year ago, so many people worldwide started prophesying that God spoke to them about a new thing that he is about to do. And now it is obvious that he is definitely doing something new and beautiful - something less ordinary but holy and for His kingdom sake.

Reflecting on our life today, I see that "yup, we're living this verse out!" God is definitely doing a new thing on university campuses this year; He is doing a new thing in and through the Church in the world today; He is doing a new thing in this generation and generations to come; He is reforming what it means to be His Church in our everyday life; He is showing us what really matters and what we value the most...

But the question is, what is it that he is doing? What is it that he is making a way for? What does that mean for the church and students? What does student mission even look like in September? What does it look like for the Church to invite a generation of students to try church this year as one of their university experiences and see their lives transformed by the love of Jesus? What does it look like for those who are starting uni this year? 

These and so many similar questions are the ones I’ve been asked quite a lot lately. And in response to these questions, the first thing that comes to my mind is the two significant questions that apostle Paul asked the Lord in his story of conversion.

In the book of Acts, chapter 22, apostle Paul asked God:

“Who are you, Lord?”

[...] “What shall I do, Lord?”

[read the full story here...]

These are the questions that apostle Paul asked God when he first encountered him. In fact, these are probably the questions he regularly asked him. The questions that helped him to have such courage and boldness to preach the Gospel and the good news of the kingdom in places and to those who didn’t welcome him; the ones that helped him to wait patiently for the Lord, to trust in him with such joy, and to persevere at times of persecution and suffering with such strength and faith.

And this is my challenge for you today. Make yourself a cuppa, sit with the questions above and allow him to speak with you about who he is and his words to transform your thoughts and actions. Ask him all the questions you have in mind and then listen and watch.

Let me know if you get a word/picture/song for the Church and/or students here.

Photo Credit:

Maral Harries

Partnership Developer

Maral is passionate about student mission because she first experienced God's love through hearing the Gospel at uni in Iran. She is now part of the Partnership Team based in Wales serving churches to reach the 99% of students who don't yet know Jesus.

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