"I tried church and found belonging."

Have you ever considered inviting a friend to church? Or have you yourself ever thought about trying church for the very first time at univeristy? Have a read at a student from Portsmouth's story in how she came to faith through trying church for the first time at univeristy.

What did your life look like before becoming a Christian?

"I had always dipped in and out of faith and Christianity. Although I was christened, we never really went to church. We sometimes went as part of Brownies or Guides but although I had dabbled in faith, I wouldn't have called myself a 'true' Christian. Everyone always says the door to Jesus is always open whenever you are ready. I guess mine was slightly ajar. I believed but I wasn't fully invested into who He was."

"How did you come to faith? Were there any specific people/moments that were key for you?"

"I was going through a difficult time and suddenly a voice in my head said 'go to church'. I had taken an Alpha course with my good friend four years prior but I had never been brave enough to walk what was a mere fifteen minutes to get to the nearest church. I had come back to Portsmouth for my initial teacher training course and had seen my other good friend on the bus. I knew she used to go to church so I sent her a message and asked what church is like and how it works. She was lovely about it and as we chatted, I decided to go to church that following Sunday. I was nervous on the walk there but I didn't need to be. Everyone was lovely and so welcoming.  There was nothing to be scared of; just some worship songs (which are sort of pop songs but all about celebrating Him) and then a talk or sermon."

To any students considering faith, what would your advice be for them?

"Go for it! Be bold, be courageous and seek Him." 

How has Jesus changed your life since following Him?

"Jesus has changed my life in so many different ways. He has given me community with some lovely people at church. I jumped feet first into faith and decided to join a young professionals small group. No question felt like a stupid question and everyone understood the journey I was going on. Worship songs are now played a lot round my house and there always seems to be a song for your mood. I also studied ‘Uncover Mark’  with my friend which has allowed me to go deeper into God's word. I am still learning so much but I am so blessed to have made the friends I have."

University is for trying new things. Why not try church? To find churches in your area, head to Student Linkup. 

Mollie Chappell

Student Mission Developer

Mollie started student ministry in her final year of university and is passionate about seeing students discover and grow in their God given callings.

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