This blog is about the convince me mission style. If you haven't yet taken the mission styles test to find out the way you most naturally share your faith, you can do that here.
Convince me’s want to be convinced, right? So we have to get ready, armed with all the answers, ready to fire them at any moment. Maybe not… convinces me want to be convinced but what if our aim wasn’t convincing them or winning the debate but helping them convince themselves.
Stereotypically convince me’s love learning so part of the joy of them getting know Jesus is doing the research themselves. So let’s create spaces for students to ask questions, let’s have resources at hand to help them explore, and let’s upskill in explaining how to read the bible.
What invitational spaces could you create in your student work to help students navigate the big questions of life, express doubt, and discover Jesus?
How can you become a safe sounding board for students with questions, so that they know you’re not going to emotionally argue with them, belittle them or make them feel stupid?
Jesus has the answer to all of their questions, let’s make sure we’re pointing students to him as they look to be convinced of the truth.
Lord, help us encourage learning in every student we come across. We don't want to be roadblocks to them by giving them all the answers without them having done the working out. Teach us how to point students to you as you reveal the truth to them. We pray the convince me students find places to ask their questions and student workers who know how to help them research and explore. Amen.