2020 Reflection From a Student: Esther

It is coming to the end of one of the strangest years we’ve ever lived in. Around this time of year a lot of people take time to pause and reflect on their accomplishments, learning curves and celebrations of the past 12 months. Instead of sharing my own revelations with you, I’d like to share some incredibly insightful reflections from 3 students. 


Esther is a second year in York.


2020 feels like the year my life went on hold. Yes, as a student, I was still 'at uni', and yes the sun did continue to rise and another day was had, and yes I did manage to stay in contact with some of my uni friends, but the sense of my life just not going anywhere or meaning anything was overwhelming. 


For me, and my student life at uni, when I stop to think about all the could haves and would haves I'm saddened. Yet, when I take a step back and drag myself out of the pity party I have thrown for myself countless times, I realise just how many things have been found this year as well; a new found way to creatively worship, in small groups and church; a stronger passion for students and their mental wellbeing; a more grounded desire to seek justice; a chance to build stronger and more meaningful relationships with those who I am always around due to lockdown; a chance to step out of my comfort zone, rely on God and be bold in faith. We have seen young people rise up to stand for what they believe in, we have seen communities come together and support each other, we have seen Churches join together in powerful prayer, we have seen people begin to wake up to a world that needs change and we have seen the power of the gospel bringing hope when things seem so hopeless....


I like to think of 2020 as the year of the awakening - the stirring up of something in people's hearts and lives. Though I have about a bajillion anxieties about what the future will hold, I am learning to pause, breathe, and trust God with it all.


We know that this generation, who have been brought up on The Hunger Games, Harry Potter and The Rise of the Skywalker, care about being a part of a cause. This year in the midst of climate emergencies, a global pandemic and the uproar of racial injustice we have seen young people SPEAK UP. We have seen them research, change their lifestyles and do everything they can to hold the rest of the world accountable in doing what’s needed to see change for equality and sustainability. 


I have been thanking God for the students like Esther who have lifted their eyes up in every circumstance this year to find hope in Jesus and point the rest of us to do the same, knowing that in all things that we feel confused, stretched or angry about, He turns them for His good.


To read the previous blog click here


Emmie Burns

Regional Team Leader

Emmie wants to see students step into their authority to be risk-takers for Jesus. She is passionate about equipping churches to connect with, disciple and empower students to share their faith.

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