Honest Reflections on Partner Raising

Partner raising usually sounds really scary to people who haven’t done it before but it’s probably the most favourite part of my role with Fusion. It’s part of our culture, our calling and our chemistry. We are called to invite a team of partners to join this mission of God to the student generation through giving, prayers, and encouragement. 

Having said that, partner raising comes with its own challenges which I think is part of the adventure.


Honestly, as someone who comes from a culture where partner raising is not culturally accepted and who didn’t have many connections here, I’ve found myself having the slowest journey in partner raising. So when I joined the team, I was utterly terrified by the fact that I ‘needed to raise my salary’ (that's what I thought at first). The only thing kept me going forward was truly knowing that I was called and that was enough for me to trust God.


I’ve learnt to choose to rejoice in a life of surrendering all I have incl. my finances and calling to God and trusting him even when I'm afraid or worried. I’ve learnt so much about faith, perseverance, generosity and friendship. After being offered a few jobs, I also learnt that I am actually called to raise partners and it's a real joy to do that. You get to keep inviting more people into the movement but I'm telling you, it is hard work!


I would say, you don't know whose answered prayer you could be today by inviting them. I've had stories of the times I invited someone to partner with me and she said she's been praying about what generosity would like for her. 

It's been a huge encouragement to me to that we don’t ‘need to raise our salary', in fact, we get to raise an absolute dream team of fiery, faithful, kingdom partners, friends and family around the globe who are there to join in God’s mission to students. And today, if you’re reading this and you’re already partnering with anyone on Fusion or any other organisations, know that you are not their sponsors, their donors, or their investors but you’re part of the movement and mission of God to students.


Think about what is your generosity costing you? Maybe you feel called to partner with someone on the Fusion team through prayer and giving, if so Join a team now.

Maral Harries

Partnership Developer

Maral is passionate about student mission because she first experienced God's love through hearing the Gospel at uni in Iran. She is now part of the Partnership Team based in Wales serving churches to reach the 99% of students who don't yet know Jesus.

Partner with Maral