“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field…”*
Summer is often the time we finish with the academic year and get ready to rest, plan and prepare well for September. So, we put a pause on student mission and outreach. But then if you are placed in a big university city and walk near uni and student halls, you may be surprised to see a huge number of students and if you have a chat with them, you may notice that most of them don't know Jesus, probably never heard the Gospel before, have never been prayed for, or been invited to Try Church. And they may never get the chance to hear the good news of Jesus either unless someone takes the time, risk and courage to tell them. Yet, I see a vast field full of opportunities to serve, support and love the city, local uni and students on our doorsteps.
As the Church and student mission pioneers, we have a huge opportunity after being blessed by all the amazing work God has done in our ministry in the academic year to now continue being a blessing. I just want to remind us that we have a very crucial part to play in welcoming, loving, and discipling International students. If there are students, God is moving and is at work amongst them, whether national or international.
A new study shows that UK universities are one of the best and the biggest educators of the world leaders than any other country in the world. In total, “58 out of 377 current heads of state and government studied in the UK,” which is just one short of the number of those who studied in the US.** That is a hugely significant impact. Imagine the impact they could have on the world now if they’ve all had the opportunity to hear about Jesus and to be discipled in the church whilst they were at uni because the local church was brilliant at reaching and working with them.
You do have a part to play in shaping and building a kingdom culture in the world around us. What is God saying about your part in this movement? What could be possible if you play your part?
In the next blog, I’ll give some easy, simple and practical tips on how to reach and connect with International students. Watch this space!
* Luke 10:2 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2010%3A2&version=NIV