Small Groups of Real Faith


The God who created you, the God who created the universe, the God of hope, life, freedom and joy, the God of immeasurably more isn’t simply looking to visit your small group, or show up if He has time. He is looking to make it his home! 

When you show up to your small group, or when you lead your small group are you expecting God to show up, to come and dwell among you? Are you expecting God to move in powerful ways? Are you anticipating an encounter with your King? 

I can’t say that’s the attitude I always show up with! Particularly when small group has become part of my routine, one of many things in a busy week.  

In Matthew 18:20 it says “For when two or three are gathered in my name, I am there with them” 

He is with us, the God of immeasurably more is with us! And we can have faith the He will show up and he will move among us. 

If, like me, you don’t always show up to small group full of faith, a good practice to adopt is to simply pray “come holy spirit”. Begin in a simple prayer of invitation and expectation. 

“We can do this—if we will!” 

These were the words of student Samuel Mills after praying outside in a thunderstorm with his small group of 5. The conviction would lead to America sending her first missionaries and later the student volunteer movement sending 20,000 to the nations.

What dreams do you have to see God do on campus? To see justice, to see salvation, to see restoration, to see an end to anxiety and depression, to see friends healed in the name of Jesus? 

My dream is to see all the above for students across our nation. I don’t always have faith to see these things. But in community, in small groups we can share our dreams. Encourage each other to have faith to continue to dream and to pray and to seek God and encourage each other, as family to be expectant to see God move in your lives, your friend's lives and on your campuses. 

Samuel Mills and his 5 friends faithfully prayed together, they prayed prayers bigger than their capacity and competency. They prayed prayers of great faith, prayers that required a move of God. This is your invitation to join in! To encourage each other, to seek God in community to share in each othera dreams and to ask God what His dream are and how we can join in with Him in faith. 


Katie McLean

Regional Team Leader

It was at university that Katie learnt what it meant to follow Jesus, and she wants to see a generation of students invited to do the same. She loves it when students are bold in their faith and churches are creative in reaching students.

Partner with Katie