Over the past few years I have recognised the hold my phone has over me and impacts the amount of time I spend with God. So every year I delete all social media apps and give it up for 40 days. However one year I was having a bad day and redownload the app and told myself I would delete it tomorrow. You won’t be shocked to know that I downloaded and deleted that app more times in those 40 days than I ever had. I faced temptation as we all do and gave in because I was doing it on my own strength.
Jesus faced temptation 3 times in Matthew 4:1-11 and I wanted to share some reflections to encourage you in your season of Lent.
1. Jesus wasn’t actually alone
In verse 1 we read “Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness”. Even before he has entered the wilderness and been met by the devil, he is being led by the spirit. I wonder what it looks like for us to be led by the spirit, even before temptation comes our way.
2. Jesus knew scripture
I am sure it would have been all too easy for Jesus to turn the stones into bread, but he knew the word of God had more power than any food. Not only is it important for us to be feeding ourselves daily with his word, but memorising when battles come our way. Jesus used God's truth to prove God's goodness.
3. Jesus knew where his identity came from
Sometimes it can feel like the world has so much more to offer us than Jesus when we look to temporary satisfaction. Jesus didn’t want the devil's offer because he already had everything he needed in Jesus. As followers of Jesus we need to make sure our foundations are rooted in God and what he says about us.
So when temptation comes our way, what do we need to remember? We have the Holy Spirit, Be in God's word and know what he has to say and know and believe that your identity resides in Jesus. So practically, ask yourself these questions.
- Am I open to the spirit moving in my life? Am I aware of my weakness and recognised my need for Jesus to be my saviour daily?
- What is my relationship with the word? Could I read scripture with a friend? Do I know what scripture has to say on certain topics?
- Where is my identity rooted? How can I make sure it is in Jesus?