Lucy, a Student at UEA, led her friend Jemima to faith during their second year of university. You can read Jemima's story here. Here is Lucy's perspective on what would be one of her favourite parts of her time at university!
"Jemima becoming a Christian midway through our second year of university, was the highlight of my time at UEA. Shortly after her giving her life to Jesus, I fully realised how my passion and purpose in life is evangelism, not in my achievements or my work. Her becoming a Christian was the catalyst to a real shift in my perspective on Jesus’s calling on my life.
When we were on placement together, Jemima lost her sense of smell/taste, and we were awaiting a PCR result. We had had a very challenging placement, it was lockdown, mid-December and both eagerly hoped to make it home for Christmas. After a few conversations about faith over the past few days, that night I prayed that whichever result the PCR is in the morning, let it be the result that increases Jemima’s faith more. In the morning it was positive, and I felt the holy spirit encourage and equip me with the words He knew Jemima needed to hear. I gave Jemima a bible for Christmas and prayed keenly that Jemima would discover there was abundantly more to taste and see with the Lord. I felt amazed how Jemima’s genuine interest and enthusiasm continued, and it was incredible to see the Spirit guide and protect all her steps as her eyes were opened more and more to Jesus Christ.
It has been so wonderful seeing Jemima grow and develop in her love for the Lord over the past year. From seeing her confidence grow reading the bible and praying, to her going deeper with Jesus and learning more about grace, to seeing her share Jesus lovingly with her housemates.
She has been such a blessing to me and it is so clear how God has gifted her with real talent for Godly encouragement. Going through final year together, being able to point each other back to Jesus through times of trial and experience His presence, peace and joy, has really encouraged us how close Jesus is to us, regardless of circumstance or emotion- Jesus has always been there with open arms.
When I think of Jemima’s story of how she came to faith and developed in her love for the Lord at Uni, one of the main things I am struck by is God’s unrelenting faithfulness at each stage. At several stages, our own expectations and doubts clouded the view of his purposes, but when we look back and see that God was working for our good and His glory the whole way through. Whether this was through Jemima giving Jesus her ‘Yes’ and entering a new life with him, or through walking each day with Jesus by her side, God was there through it all, forever and always faithful.