Starting out in student ministry?
A leader faithfully praying and hoping for students to walk through your doors?
Been doing student ministry for a while and looking for fresh inspiration?
Maybe this short, easy to read, inspiring, and practical book, 'Church and Students', could be the answer.
Rich Mills, a student worker from Norwich, took on the student ministry at his church a year ago. With a passion for those under 25, he was looking at ways he could reach students. Last September he started hosting weekly meals at the church. Many students came and some brought their friends - the ministry was growing. But what was next?
When he started leading the student ministry, Rich was gifted several copies of 'Church and Students'. Not much of a reader, he didn’t pick the book up for a while and skimmed through it. Eventually he read the book and was taken by the idea of students leading themselves. He gathered several students one night for dinner (those who were wanting more and were eager to reach their friends with the gospel). Over dinner he talked about scrapping the idea of one large gathering in favour of smaller groups in homes, led fully by students.
One week around twenty students met for dinner at the church cafe, the next, over forty students meeting across three homes, nine student leaders, and many new students who had never been before! Inspired by reading the book, Rich changed how things were led and saw the fruit overnight. When talking about this shift, he said the best thing about it was seeing the students lead and invite their friends.
As the year starts to wind down, maybe you too could be inspired to think about what the next academic year might look like. Maybe a few hours of your time reading 'Church and Students' could bring the change you’re looking for.